Karen Sussan is now an EMDR Certified Therapist™

Psychotherapy for Healing, Growth, & Transformation.

Training and Consultation
Course Training and Consultation in Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy (SIP)
I am authorized to offer training and consultations in Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy (SIP) under the auspices of the ACPE: The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education.

29 N Airmont Road
Suite 3
Suffern, NY 10901
Complimentary consultation available by phone.
If you are licensed as a psychotherapist, pre-licensed, or a graduate student in a counseling program, the training course was designed for you!
The word psychotherapy means “care of the soul” (from the Greek psyche + therapeia). While the history of psychotherapy includes theorists and practitioners with a bias against spirituality and religion, there have always been those who found effective ways to include spiritual wisdom in psychotherapeutic work. In recent years, there has been an outpouring of research and instruction in spiritually integrated psychotherapy and empirical evidence demonstrating the therapeutic efficacy of attending to clients’ spiritual beliefs and practices.
The ACPE-SIP Curriculum draws upon diverse spiritual traditions and psychological research to provide practical resources to help therapists integrate spirituality into their work. It teaches therapists how to elicit and make therapeutic use of their clients’ spiritual perspectives and how to make ethically appropriate use of their own spiritual perspectives.
The curriculum consists of two levels of training, with each level including 5 3-hour continuing education courses.

The courses draw upon multiple modes of teaching and learning, including:
interactive seminars;
role plays;
small group work; and
case consultation.
To learn more about the SIP Training Program and find links to explore the certification process and communities of practice:
For more information or to register, you also can reach out to me here.

ACPE has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7004. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. ACPE is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.