I am thrilled to offer a protocol focused on healing immune systems!
It is an innovation initiated by Jenna Burton, LMHC and the results so far have been impressive.
Ms. Burton is an EMDR therapist who specializes in immune systems. She developed this protocol based on the research of neuroscientist Jaak Panksepp, a pioneer in what he called “affective neuroscience,” The goal in this protocol is to reset the immune system. The protocol akin to one Sandra Paulson and Katie O’Shea developed based on Pankseep’s work in their efforts to address preverbal issues as seen in their “When There are No Words”.
Jenna Burton realized what worked for the nervous system might well apply to the immune system. After all, the two systems also share information with one another. They have similarities such as memory networks, ability to learn in response to stress, and adjust. This
protocol applies the EMDR’s basic hypothesis of Adaptive Information Processing (The AIP Model) that holds that our nervous systems are designed for adaptation and learning from new information so as to further promote adaptation. As we open and attend to our circuitry, we can learn anew. So why not offer healing suggestions akin to what is done in EMDR and other trauma approaches with affect and experience?
Our brains and nervous system strive to find a healthy balance. Jenna sees that as something our immune systems may also do.
The protocol thus is designed to encourage movement through stages of healing. We can recognize the need for inflammation to push out foreign objects. Ms. Burton gives the example of pushing a splinter out of the body.
We also need operative suppression in our systems so that our bodies do not overreact as with MS, acne, or when we use immunosuppressant drugs.
We can imagine a healthy immune system as a map or blueprint.
We can imagine a healing immune system to redirect our mind-body compass.
And, of course, we can continue to repair that compass through EMDR standard work as well as use an attachment-informed EMDR approach to make foundational shifts that will further allow flexibility to address our stress, including present health issues.
For any fellow EMDR and trauma-informed therapists or medically-based care providers out there, here is a friendly service announcement:
Jenna calls the training she is offering Resetting the Immune System Circuits, AKA RISC Protocol. You can go to Jenna’s practice to learn more: mindfulheartsinstitute.com. She just announced she can offer MDSCEUs for her on-demand training.
I especially want to invite those struggling with immune issues or inflammatory conditions to consider this new option.You are welcome to contact me and explore including it among your next possible steps.
May healing increase!